Category Scholarships

Marine – Benes

Graduates must be accepted by an accredited 2 or 4 year college or university with a goal of completing their education in the field of mechanical engineering or aviation. This scholarship is to aid a senior from Alleghany High School…

Duncan, Jerry & Karen

Mr. Jerry Duncan was born in Alleghany County. He played football here as well. Duncan played at the University of Alabama where he was an All-SEC tackle in 1966. He gained wide recognition implementing Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant’s famous tackle-eligible…

Alleghany Arts Council

The Alleghany Arts Council this scholarship to a high school senior who has excelled in the arts (Music, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture, Dance, Theater, Architecture, Cinema, or Comics) in high school and has an interest in furthering their artistic interests while…


For those pursuing a career in broadcasting (live, video, audio/podcast), ACTV is pleased to consider awarding Alleghany High School Senior(s) a scholarship up to $500 to be applied to tuition in their college pursuits.

Absher Moxley

Named for two brothers that lost their young lives within a four-year period, due to the adverse effects of prescription drug addiction. Matthew Absher and Brandon Moxley were both deeply loved by many: their loving family, friends, and Alleghany High…