Duane Davis grew up on a dairy farm in Alleghany County. He graduated from Sparta High School in 1963 and went to NC State where he majored in Biology and Education. Duane thought science was fascinating, and he discovered he had a passion for teaching. After college graduation, Duane taught for three years in Surry County, returning to Alleghany County in 1970 to teach eighth-grade science and math at Sparta School. He worked in Alleghany County Schools for 35 years, as a teacher and assistant principal at Sparta, principal at Piney Creek, and Assistant Superintendent. Duane became Superintendent of Schools in 1998 serving until his retirement in 2005. Duane kept his enthusiasm for students and schools throughout his career. During his retirement years, Duane served in many civic organizations, but he was most proud of the contribution he made by serving on the Alleghany Educational Foundation Board. He started a scholarship in memory of his parents, Lonnie and Clyde Davis, who believed strongly in education beyond high school. Duane enjoyed his time as President of the Foundation until his death in 2019. The Duane Davis Scholarship was begun in 2005 in memory of Duane; and with the combination of the Lonnie and Clyde Davis Scholarship, the Duane Davis Family Scholarship was established. While not limited to prospective teachers or to students attending NCSU, The Duane Davis Family Scholarship gives priority to those considering a career in education or attending NC State.