Alleghany High School Seniors may apply for numerous scholarships by using the main application form. Amounts of money awarded, as well as criteria, will vary according to the discretion of individuals or groups who provide funding for the scholarship. Most scholarships are awarded annually based on availability of funds.
Completion of the FAFSA is required to receive scholarship funds.
Completing a scholarship application does not guarantee receipt of a scholarship.
Alleghany Educational Foundation does not discriminate on basis of race, gender, national origin, religion, age or disability.
Only Alleghany High School Seniors or graduates may apply for Alleghany Educational Foundation Scholarships.
Wilkes Community College and the Alleghany Educational Foundation are partnering for the
Nichols, Frankie Roupe
North Carolina Community Foundation
Peterson, Warren and Delta
Pugh, E. J.
Pugh, Edward J. Memorial Foundation
Reeves, Del
Robertson/Plan Ahead
Roe, C. R.
Saunders, Bill and Peg
Sherrill, Deborah Hart
Shiloh United Methodist Church
Sigmon, Jake
Smith, Edna Sturgill
Sparta Lions Club/John Woodruff Memorial
Sparta United Women in Faith
Sparta Womens Club
Spry, Fletcher
Vaughan, Bonnie
VFW Auxiliary
VFW Post 7034
Wagoner, Sherry Excellence in Education
Wishon, John and Disa
Woodruff, John
Woodruff, Rita