Trojan TRAX

Mentors volunteer as mentors for middle and high school students. Each student is assigned an adult mentor in the eighth grade and that mentor follows the student through high school graduation.

Mentors meet with students individually to review:

  • Personal and academic goals and progress
  • Course selection
  • Academic performance and behavior
  • Participation in extra-curricular activities
  • SAT/ACT registration
  • College and scholarship research
  • Trojan TRAX Scholarship requirements
  • College application completion

Click on the appropriate link below to document service-learning hours for the Trojan TRAX Scholarship. ALL hours must be completed and documented by December 31st of your senior year.

Adopt-a-College Student

The Adopt-a-College Student program pairs a recent Alleghany Educational Foundation scholarship recipient who is attending post-secondary training with each fourth-grade classroom throughout the Alleghany County School System. The college student and the class correspond regularly through digital communication, written letters, and classroom visits. Students in the classroom are exposed to college while college students receive support and accountability from the teacher and students. 

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